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Students secure £1,000 for Haven House Hospice by winning

Students at West Hatch High School secured £1,500 for three charities when they raised awareness of the causes at the school's First Give final.


Students at West Hatch High School secured £1,500 for three charities when they raised awareness of the causes at the school's First Give final.

Students gave short presentations on their chosen charity highlighting their work and how they would benefit from sponsorship. 

The winning team - Amrisa Aujla, Charlotte Kent and Charlotte Stevens - represented Haven House Hospice and won £1,000 for their charity. 

Teams representing Hopskotch Children's Trust (Raresh Gopaul, Kyrell Lisbie, Thomas Read and Dylan Panesar) and Oxfam (Talia Panayi, Dora Szabo and Shaina Vaghela) received £250 each.

The other charities represented were Chigwell Riding Trust, C.R.Y (Cardiac Risk in the Young), the RSPCA and Guide Dogs. 

Head of House Guy Blain said: “It’s amazing to see all the work and effort the students put into their projects.

"The First Give project is such a positive experience for the students as it encourages them to engage with a charity whilst also developing their presentation skills and confidence. 

"This year’s teams have stood out for the level of personal connection that a lot of them have made, either with the social issues the charity tackles affecting them personally or just wanting to help an organisation they have always known about in the local area and never been able to show an interest in.”