Year 11 Yearbook
You can now order your Year 11 yearbook for £13, via ParentPay.
I am pleased to announce that the Year 11 Yearbook is now available to purchase.
The yearbook is a full colour hardback with hundreds of pictures (including some very sweet year 7 ones!) as well as messages from form tutors and awards voted for by students.
The total cost of the yearbook is £13.
If you/your child would like to purchase a copy of the yearbook payment needs to be made by ParentPay ( by Friday 24th June 2016.
If you have any problems doing this please ask your child to speak to the finance department who should be able to solve the problem for you.
Yearbooks will be distributed on GCSE results day; where a pupil is unable to attend school on the day alternative arrangements can be made.