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FAQ’s for Parents of new Hatchlings

Do they need their PE kit on their first day?

No they do not

Do they need a packed lunch on first day?

NO, the canteen will be available. However those with any allergies are asked to do so on the first day.

My daughter is dairy intolerant does the canteen cater for allergies?

We don’t specifically cater for them; they usually notify us and we touch base with the parents to see what foods they eat at home etc and work from our menu form there. All our foods have allergen labels on and the catering team have full list in files in their office. All allergen information must go through Mrs Thomas and be declared on their files and the catering team receive a full list and pictures from Mrs Thomas at the beginning of term and then brief the catering staff.

My son doesn’t like football or rugby do I still need to get football boots, shin pads and mouth guard?

Yes, this is part of the school curriculum and all pupils are required to participate in all activities.

What studs for football boots?

Moulded studs are better but non moulded studs are fine.

What type of mouthguard?

Any junior mouthguard. You do not need to go to the Dentist although these are a better quality than shop bought ones.

Are they allowed refillable water bottles?

Yes. All pupils should have one as they are not permitted to take food or drinks out of the designated areas unless the bottle has been brought from home.

Can they drink in class?

Yes but only from their refillable bottles.

My child has a nut allergy, who do I need to tell about this? Are teachers trained to use an epipen?

The school catering team has a NO NUT policy. As stated above All allergen information must go through Mrs Thomas. We have a number of staff trained to use Epipens in school.

I can’t find plain white trainers anywhere, can they have a stripe on them or a tiny logo?

Yes, we have taken away the need for white trainers and pupils are now asked for suitable sports trainers.

If I have a problem with Parent Pay who do I need to speak to?

Contact the Finance Office.

What make up is acceptable for girls to wear?

The school policy states that no makeup is allowed in Key Stage 3 and that pupils may only have very discrete make-up in Key stage 4.

How do pupils have to have their hair?

The school policy states that pupils are not permitted to have any extremes of haircut that may draw attention to them. In subjects like PE and Science pupils with long hair will be required to tie it up.

Is a green pen, pritt stick, colouring pencils and scientific calculator compulsory?

The schools Behaviour Policy states that pupils must have at all times a working pen, green pen, pencil, ruler, and their exercise book. Some subjects have specific requirements such as science who require pupils to also have a glue stick for lessons and Art requires pupils to have coloured pencils. Scientific calculators are advised for KS3 but not compulsory.

Do they need a French or Spanish dictionary?

No this is not compulsory, but it can be helpful for pupils particularly with their homework in languages.

Should they bring money into school? (to buy equipment etc)

Pupils should only bring money to school if they are going to purchase an item from the school shop. The price list for the shop is on the schools website.

If they are selected for Sports teams how do we find out about fixtures and if we can go and watch, what time it will start and finish etc?

Parents are always permitted to watch sports matches. Pupils will be informed of matches in advance and we will be Tweeting information out about matches next year. Please sign up to @WestHatchHigh1 on Twitter to receive regular updates from the school.

My child gets headaches can they bring painkillers into school?

The rule is that students are allowed to bring in two pain killers, not a whole box.

Can you just turn up to Parent Voice or do you need to register somewhere?

You don’t need to register, just turn up to the meetings. Please note that the meeting is for generic and not personal issues. Parents are asked that they do not discuss specific instances but can raise general concerns.